HTML Text Level Semantics


Links come in two flavors. The Anchor tag i.e. <a> and the Definition Element tag i.e. <dfn>

Name Example Description
a Home A link or anchor to another resource
dfn Provides a link back to a definition someplace in another section of the same document.

CREATED 2020-09-21 11:51:45.0


UPDATED 2020-09-21 11:52:00.0

Text Enhancing Elements

These elements are for enhancing text. For instance making text bold or italicized... maybe emphasized or highlighted. Strong or ... there are many of them. big

Name Example Description
b bold Renders text in what ever the fonts bold attribute reveals.
cite The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Marks a citation. Use this for styling purposes.
em Emphasis Emphasis a word or phrase
i Italisize Renders text i.e. a word, letter, phrase or paragraph in italics
mark Sometimes you need to highlight Marks text be setting the background color like highlighting
q Put something in quotes Quotes a word or phrase since the " is reserved. Although modern browsers parse this well.
s Give me some all of your apples Strike out a word or phrase
small Makes the text smaller Kinda like mumbling, a side note or talking under your breath.
span Hello Dolly! Style a word or phrase inside another element like the p element.
strong Makes test strong Emphasis to stand out
sub 22 Subscript
sup 22 Superscript
u It was really big Used to underline text

CREATED 2020-09-20 08:01:46.0


UPDATED 2020-09-21 11:51:57.0

Representational Elements

These elements represent text in specific formats. They are really ways to style your text. For example the code tag makes text appear to be computer code.

Name Example Description
abbr HTML An abbreviation. Often used with the <dfn> element.
bdi or Hello Maintains the direction of the text when the text is displayed within content that is written in another direction.
bdo Hello or Hello Bidirectional text. Used witht he dir attribute.
br Something
Forces a break in a line
code The <code> tag Useful for defining computer code.
data Machine Data For use with scripts. Maintains two seperate data values. The Elements data and the value attributes data. This allow the author to present the elements data to the user while keeping the value data to be used in scripts
dfn DeFinitioN Element
kbd For help press F1 Represents user input.
samp sample output Illustrates a sample or sample output from another source like a computer program
time Shows time in a valid machine readable format
var The nth occurance Illustrates a variable. The th is done with <sup>
wbr ExtreeemmlllyyLooooonnnnngggWooorrrddd
Tells the browser where in the create a break... if it has to create a break... in the line.

Name Example Description
abbr HTML An abbreviation. Often used with the <dfn> element.
bdi or Hello Maintains the direction of the text when the text is displayed within content that is written in another direction.
bdo Hello or Hello Bidirectional text. Used witht he dir attribute.
br Something
Forces a break in a line
code The <code> tag Useful for defining computer code.
data Machine Data For use with scripts. Maintains two seperate data values. The Elements data and the value attributes data. This allow the author to present the elements data to the user while keeping the value data to be used in scripts
dfn DeFinitioN Element
kbd For help press F1 Represents user input.
samp sample output Illustrates a sample or sample output from another source like a computer program
time Shows time in a valid machine readable format
var The nth occurance Illustrates a variable. The th is done with <sup>
wbr ExtreeemmlllyyLooooonnnnngggWooorrrddd
Tells the browser where in the create a break... if it has to create a break... in the line.

CREATED 2020-09-20 08:04:57.0


UPDATED 2020-09-21 11:51:58.0


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