Template Handler Development

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Template Handler Development

About the ComPost

The Compost Table is the container that houses the comments made by users... a.k.a. the Compost. The term ComPost stands for Comments Posted.

The CompostTable sits inside another container (a DIV) for size control since tables in HTML are not exactly freindly to resizing. The table consists of three rows each with a single cell.

The top row houses the CompostReflexTable which contains the mechanisms (buttons) for the user to respond to the post.

Next is the CompostOldBizTable which houses a tree build by the object handlers of already posted comments i.e. the old biz.

The last row is the new biz table that allows a user to post a comment.

CREATED 2020-06-07 10:18:29.0


UPDATED 2021-04-20 23:07:03.0

The ComPost Table


The ComPostTable is a housing or socket for other entities that do the actual display of the Compost. It is more like a conformity manager.

For example: the CompostReflexTable would go inside the CompostTableReflexTableCell. Just as the CompostOldBizTable would be housed inside the CompostTableOldBizTableCell.

CREATED 2020-06-07 11:07:18.0


UPDATED 2021-04-20 23:07:18.0

The Reflext Table

The CompostReflexTable is housed in the CompostTables CompostTableReflexTableCell


This table contains a collection of buttons for the user to react (reflex) to the post. The top row is a row of statistic about the interactions of other users while the second row is the buttons to record a response.

CREATED 2020-06-07 12:39:36.0


UPDATED 2021-04-20 23:07:17.0

The Old Biz Table

The CompostOldBizTable is the contents of the CompostTableOldBizCell which is in the second row of the CompostHeaderTable. Old Biz is previously made comments.


Purpose: A hierarchial tree of comments made about the post. The tree displays x number of the most recent comments. The user has the capability of retrieving additional comments using the back and forward buttons.

The table is comprised of three rows each housing a single cell. The first row is the forward button which is not display when the page is drawn from the server since the most recent comments are displayed. The second row is a hierarchial tree of comments made. The thrid row is the back button to display older comments.

CREATED 2020-06-07 13:59:14.0


UPDATED 2021-04-20 23:07:16.0

The New Biz Table

The CompostNewBizTable is the contents of the CompostTableNewBizCell which is in the third row of the CompostTable.


Purpose: Post a comment! This is where PosCom comes in i.e. Post A Comment. It's going the other way and it's also housed in the ComPostTable.

A javascript fires when the user hits the enter key. Facebook started that (should have been ctrl enter like mail). The script collects the information from the table fields and calls the PosCom servet on the server. The servlet is responsible for validating the request and warding of hackers.

CREATED 2020-06-07 13:59:49.0


UPDATED 2021-04-20 23:07:16.0


DBID: db.wam

Page Server: Ruger

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