The Transaction Object


The biggest advantage of using PowerBuilder its ability to connect to a database and manipulate data. This is done through the datawindow (the object that seperates PB from its competitors), a data store, embeded SQL or a customized object. Whatever the recieving object is a transaction object is the conduit that facilitates the conversation.

By default, PowerBuilder, creates a transaction object labeled SQLCA (SQL Communications Area). Since most applications only deal with one database, it's pretty safe to say only one transaction object needs to be created. Additional transaction objects can be created but SQLCA is automatically created. However, it doesn't connect itself.

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All transaction objects need to be initialized and connected. To do this the transaction properties must be set. There are 15 properties of which 10 are for connecting. The others are used for status information.

Property Description
DBMS The code for the RDBMS being used i.e. ODBC
Database The name of the database
LogId The user login
LogPass The user login password
ServerName The name of the physical or dynamic server
AutoCommit 0 if transactions should only be committed when a COMMIT is issued 1 of transactions should be automatically commited.
DBParm A string combonation of server, db name, userid and password,
i.e. DBParm='ORBC

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Other Properties

Additional properties that apply to each transaction...

Name Type Desc
SQLCode long Status code for the last oquery
SQLNRows long Number of rows of data effected by the last statement
SQLDBCode long Vendor specific code returned by the database engine
SQLErrText string Vendor specific error message
SQLReturnData string Vendor specific

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DBID: db.wam

Page Server: Ruger

        Hello anonymous