Deployment Discriptor-web.xml

Deploying a Servlet...

Servlets are deployed in two ways... Implicate the servlet in the web.xml file by adding a section like...


...OR use a servlet annotation in the servlet class file like...

@WebServlet(name = "GetPage", urlPatterns = {"/GetPage"})

Last thing... if this servlet should be fired first, from the context root, add it to the Welcome File list...


CREATED 2012-12-30 08:53:19.0


UPDATED 2012-12-30 08:53:39.0

By The Way...

One thing not to do... configure your servlet as the default... this will NOT work. The default servlet in Tomcat does a couple of things. For one... it serves up directory listings (which is not a very secure thing to do unless there are no files with sensitive information in them) So if you configure the servlet like this....

      <param-value>Will work for food</param-value>    </init-param>
</servlet> not map it like this...

   <url-pattern>/ </url-pattern>     <-- this is the problem

...this will cause all kinds of intermitant problems, like the style sheets will not render.

CREATED 2012-12-30 16:14:14.0


UPDATED 2012-12-30 16:14:20.0


DBID: db.wam

Page Server: Ithica

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