Realy Simple Syndication


<?xml version=1.0 encoding="utf-8"> <rss version="2.0">  <channel>    <-- Channel is the wrapper   <title>Title of the feed</title>   <description>Description of the feed</description>   <link>The Link to the site with the stuff</link>   <item>    <title>Title of the item</title>       <description>Description of the item</description>    <link>link to a page with the item</link>   </item>   <item>   <--Item repeats for each seperate link to items    ...   </item>  </channel> </rss>

What is RSS? - Really Simple Syndication. And it is. RSS is basically an XML file that lists you products or services. This is the breakdown of the file

This is the basic RSS file...

CREATED 2012-09-12 14:07:05.0


UPDATED 2012-09-12 14:07:17.0

DBID: db.wam

Page Server: Ithica

        Hello anonymous